Other Projects

Other Projects : Less than 100 millions USD

Community Projects with economical and social impacts to the population,

Projects can be of various fileds (agriculture, education, health, housing, etc...)

Key strengths and benefits (jobjs creation, improvement of purchase power, better services, etc...) are to be measurable and beneficial to the community.

INEFA, composed of experienced teams, shall evaluate Projects Proposals in line with bankable and credible business plan's standards

Following the results of the appraisal:

INEFA may conduct interview(s) with main Promoter(s)

INEFA may offer to provide support and advice to better develop their project(s) and structure their financing proposal(s) for introduction to Investor(s)

INEFA is in partnership with wide network of Investors, in order to ease the financing of your project,

give yourself the opportunity to be in contact with them, Buy a Promotor Kit to be a certified member

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